Sponsorship success in women’s football

The women's football industry has evolved significantly in recent years, experiencing increased visibility, investment, and competitiveness. There has been a growing global interest in the sport, with higher participation rates, improved professional leagues, and expanded media coverage.

Sponsorship impact in the women’s football domain

Our research studies into sponsorship impact in the women’s football domain show that the sport has a clear added value compared to men’s football, by connecting with brand values such as inclusivity and equality and by reaching new, more family-oriented, audiences. 

This summer, the FIFA Women’s World Cup has once again proven that women’s football provides excellent opportunities for brands to achieve sponsorship impact. We have conducted a global research study into the impact of Women’s World Cup sponsorships and are proud to share the key results with you. 

You can get a free download of the report here

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About Sponsorship Impact

We have been helping international brands optimise their sponsorship strategies for over 20 years. We not only prove the brand growth that sponsoring provides, but also identify opportunities to improve sponsorship strategies.

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Eva Gerritse
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Eva Gerritse

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Eva Gerritse
Business Lead
+316 113 550 95